Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Blog Response 2

This week I went and checked out “Lost Remote”. An entry entitled “Local TV and defining quality” caught my interest. Cory Bergman discusses how Emmys and Edward R. Murrow awards focus on quality but for those news sites that are not official newspapers or television shows do not get the recognition they deserve. Many stories on blog websites that serve as newspapers do not get the recognition they deserve. The components that are “good quality” based on these awards need to be re-evaluated as the media is changing. People are more likely to go to a blog site where updates are more constant to keep up with the fast-paced environment of the world. As Bergman says in the entry, “not everything has to be polished, in-depth, well-designed, beautifully-shot or even well-written. It just has to fill a need with content and community you can’t get anywhere else”. I found it interesting because technology is changing at such a rapid pace that it is high time for awards such as the Emmys and Edward R. Murrow awards needs to be re-evaluated so all aspects of media can be evaluated since that is how the majority of the population is receiving their news.

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